Move Slow and Fix Things - I am a practitioner-researcher at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK.
I designed and run the BA (Hons) Games Design and Art programme, a progressive games course utilising indie style collaborative projects to build new types of games, games for purpose, games as art and highly employable students.
The central output of my own practice led research is is a digital canvas for multiplayer thinking used within Art & Design studio based education. is part of a wider practice of building “Tools for Thought” (Rheingold, 1985) coupled with the process of thinking-through-making (Ingold, 2013). The way we convey, make, and represent the information generated and presented in a community of practice have a direct impact on the various co-created outputs. Our ideation and thoughts are directly affected by the tools we use (Culkin, 1967). As we extend the boundaries of our physical selves into the machine, we must consider the implications for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights within the posthuman.
AFC Wimbledon fan and owner, flat hierarchy, co-operative loving evangelist.