Illustrate This!

Make my blog better!! Calling all editorial Illustration students

To start to formulate the concept for a new Learning Management System I am researching and writing about areas that could impact on the design of such a system, here on this blog and I want to have illustrations lead my posts to capture the essence of each post.

I thus want to involve some illustration students to support my writing. There is no money at the moment and your illustrations would need to be sharable[footnote]Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International[/footnote] via a Creative Commons licence but I will actively promote your work, link to your own web presence and this blog is going to be online and updating for at least the next 5 years! I also plan to make many things for my research and so I hope there will be plenty of scope for supporting your work in the future, if you were to get involved. My thought is that students who are keen to work within editorial illustration might take up this challenge, opportunity.

As an example of the type of thing I mean take a look at the site A list Apart, which up until recently used one illustrator. This post will give you a really good idea of what I am looking for, not necessarily in style but in essence.

Here are some individual articles I like:

Feel free to browse any the articles, you will see a wide range of Illustrations.


After each entry is posted[footnote]Note for now I imagine entries go live before any artwork is generated, if we get to a suitable point where we go live with text and image great, but I am currently thinking within 7-10 days of me finishing a post we could get the illustration done.[/footnote] on this blog, you would submit roughs for my approval to then be made into finished art work[footnote]Either Adobe Illustrator or Sketch Files would be required.[/footnote]. The final art work would need to be responsive and thus may require 2 or 3 versions to cope with small screen and large screen displays, see this as great example where it really works, squeeze your browser window and see the team line up change!

At the moment more and more posts are started to need illustrating, so I am keen to backfill asap. I am still working on overall, typographic style and layout, however the illustrations should be a response to the text not the style of this site.

Tweet me if you would like to get involved. @adamprocter

Dr. Adam Procter @adamprocter