eLearn 2019 Conference Presentation Application

Design Led Learning Environments - Spatial Hypertext

  • Procter, Adam
  • Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
  • adam.procter@soton.ac.uk


Working within the creative industries knowledge economy you cannot work within a niche closed process but instead you must have the ability to engage and address complex and diverse problems. This process is supported by networking and combining knowledge. Current managed learning environments (think Blackboard) are silos that as evidence suggests provides nothing more than a digital repository. Many are closed, off the shelf products that are inherently inflexible and not adaptable to the needs of future knowledge workers. This presentation will showcase an early prototype platform of a new type of virtual learning environment as part of my practice based web science PhD. This platform has been designed to be open, delightful and built around open sharing and collaborative working practice. The platform is being designed specifically to extend the design thinking processes and knowledge production across both the physical and digital spaces in a collaborative manner. Both the platform and interface will be native to digital culture built on the open web, democratic, human driven, iterative and adaptable. Knowledge production has shifted from being framed as a closed system to being an open system, one that is networked, responsive and expanding. (Vaughan, 2017) An open platform to extend and augment physical design studio practices and enhance this network of creative investigation. This collaborative digital platform is not concerned with data mining and learning analytics but truly extends a network of learning and could provide an excellent digital space for knowledge building. The platform is a visualised and spatial user interface to allow the creation of visible connections, clusters, taxonomy and even serendipity to provide an uniquely innovative, accessible and delightful way to create and decode the wealth of knowledge we now have, this type of intuitive representation of knowledge will empower individuals to connect ideas and build new knowledge within their own communities of practice and move seamlessly from the physical design studio to the digital network. The barrier between physical and digital is disappearing as we become augmented humans, cyborgs, the transformative nature of this augmentation is only just starting. “As knowledge increases amongst mankind, and transactions multiply, it becomes more and more desirable to abbreviate and facilitate the modes of conveying information from one person to another, and from one individual to many.” (Playfair, 1786)

Category: Oral Presentation

Keywords: Spatial, interface, knowledge objects, networked learning Themes: please select a theme from the conference sub-themes list below by deleting as appropriate.

Area: innovative online learning designs or environments

Dr. Adam Procter @adamprocter